From Bloomer to Doomer and Back

For the Boomers in the audience, it is apt that we first introduce what a Bloomer and a Doomer are. It will also be helpful to discuss the other personality types in this series for clarity.
The Doomer is an 'enlightened' version of an involuntary celibate male, typically portrayed, but not necessarily, in his mid-20s. They are enlightened insofar as they are conscious of the issues facing the world and his generation, but isn't spiritually inclined; a nihilist with a defeatist attitude. From this enlightenment, it is common that they hold a negative view of the world, and tend to opt-out of society, often blocking out positive change through conscious lifestyle choices. They have masochistic tendencies because they mask this enlightenment with material and sensory abuse through escapism, in the forms of pornography, alcohol, smoking, doing drugs and inactivity. He is a negative person that sees no hope or future of himself and his surroundings, due to the influx of information the Internet has given him. Due to the aforementioned escapist habits, he spends no time trying to improve himself or how he feels, and wallows in this doom and gloom.
The attitude of a Bloomer is the polar opposite of the Doomer. Bloomers are enlightened people in the true sense of the word, they are ascetic, hopeful and uplifting. They absorb negativity and exude positivity. They possess a certain can-do attitude that Doomers lack, are also fully aware of the situation at hand, and perhaps hold a relationship with God; they live for something bigger than themselves. They have found their inner peace, are looking for or have found solutions to their problems, and are working for the betterment of themselves and those they come into contact with. Nothing can faze the Bloomer, because he thinks about the possibilities, not obstacles.
The Boomer is based on the Baby Boomers, a generation born after the Second World War; an event that fundamentally changed the way we live. The Boomer doesn't have to be a member of the Baby Boomer generation though, as their character traits reflect a blissful ignorance. They are simply unaware of, and unable to accept, that the world has changed. This blissful ignorance also means they think they are fit to lecture and patronise younger generations, despite these younger generations being better informed. They give stupid advise as a result of their blindness to the harsh reality of society today.
A Zoomer is a young person that has grown up with the Internet, but hasn't realised the effects of what this new information really means for the world. They are especially susceptible to Internet porn and gaming addictions due to being raised on the Internet. Zoomers represent a globalist culture centred around technology, and aren't as clued in to the harsh reality of the world yet. They spend their time playing video games, buying cryptocurrency, listening mumble rap and Fortnite default dancing. It is inevitable that a Zoomer will become a Doomer, as given enough time, the consequences of modern culture and the behavioural habits that accompany it, will soon manifest.

When I get bored I used to start rewatching videos of my childhood. I love this nostalgia but it can be destructive to your mental health and lead you down the Doomer's road of negativity. I think most people would like to be a fly on the wall to relive their formative years, but wanting to be forever young is something we should avoid. When in this state I would think: "Things were so much better back then, I was always so happy." This is the blissful ignorance of the Zoomer and Boomer at play in our younger selves; I was unaware, unbothered and upbeat. It hurts because you are reminiscing on a childhood that was just that good. I would call this fetalstalgia, a word that I totally just made up. I haven't done this for quite some time because I know just how bad it makes me feel. The same applies for looking back at how Australia was during the time the Boomers were my age and earlier. I want to safeguard my future children's childhoods and create an environment where they aren't destitute in an increasingly unAustralian Australia, so their childhood is as good as mine was.
The coming generation must not end up like mine. Life is unfulfilling for many Generation Zers, and we need community to stop social isolation, loneliness and substance abuse. When we become isolated, which is an unnatural mode for humans to be in, we feel like there are no solutions. When you feel like there are no solutions, you not productive or active and you are not doing anything to fix the situation, which is the opposite to the nature of a man. Jordan Peterson, for all his faults, is great in this regard, because he helps young men find meaning and take responsibility for their actions and lives. it is defeatism in inertia and it is deadly. Maybe seasonal depression is a legitimate cause for concern, maybe not, I don't know, what do you think?
In the globalised and feminised culture we see today, strength, masculinity and male-only spaces are routinely demonised by the powerful (politicians, technocrats, lobbyists etc) for fear that groups of men organising, showing strength and solidarity, particularly racial solidarity, will bring about imminent danger. We are comfortable and our needs are satiated without struggle. Feelings of gloom, unfulfillment and mental illness will often follow, and I believe are inevitable with the way things are. This is the result of a sedentary lifestyle. It's ironic, we are both materially satisfied and also mentally unfulfilled and even more lonely. To solve this unfulfilled problem, many people resort to destructive behaviour (drug and alcohol abuse in your formative years). This is like putting a bandaid over a bullet wound. The tragic part is that people resort to this behaviour either out of hopelessness and thinking there are no solutions, or because they are unaware of the problems our society faces and goes with the flow.
So, which archetype do you think you are? Which do you identify most with? I will end this post with a particularly potent quote from Industrial Society and its Future by Ted Kaczynski, which describes the feminised mindset of a person, particularly relevant for men, who can't deal with what the future holds. So he gives up, drops out of society, loses all hope in people, doesn't find a community of like-minded people to improve himself with, physically, mentally and financially. At the moment of writing this, my mental health is great!
"74. We suggest that modern man’s obsession with longevity, and with maintaining physical vigor and sexual attractiveness to an advanced age, is a symptom of unfulfillment resulting from deprivation with respect to the power process. The “mid-life crisis” also is such a symptom. So is the lack of interest in having children that is fairly common in modern society but almost unheard-of in primitive societies.
75. In primitive societies life is a succession of stages. The needs and purposes of one stage having been fulfilled, there is no particular reluctance about passing on to the next stage. A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport or for fulfillment but to get meat that is necessary for food. (In young women the process is more complex, with greater emphasis on social power; we won’t discuss that here.) This phase having been successfully passed through, the young man has no reluctance about settling down to the responsibilities of raising a family. (In contrast, some modern people indefinitely postpone having children because they are too busy seeking some kind of “fulfillment.” We suggest that the fulfillment they need is adequate experience of the power process — with real goals instead of the artificial goals of surrogate activities.) Again, having successfully raised his children, going through the power process by providing them with the physical necessities, the primitive man feels that his work is done and he is prepared to accept old age (if he survives that long) and death. Many modern people, on the other hand, are disturbed by the prospect of physical deterioration and death, as is shown by the amount of effort they expend trying to maintain their physical condition, appearance and health. We argue that this is due to unfulfillment resulting from the fact that they have never put their physical powers to any practical use, have never gone through the power process using their bodies in a serious way. It is not the primitive man, who has used his body daily for practical purposes, who fears the deterioration of age, but the modern man, who has never had a practical use for his body beyond walking from his car to his house. It is the man whose need for the power process has been satisfied during his life who is best prepared to accept the end of that life."