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Searcy Oeuvre's Best of 10k

Writer: Searcy OeuvreSearcy Oeuvre

Wow, I never thought the day would come when my website would hit 10,000 views! I started this website on a whim just before I began my Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Professional Writing at UniSA. So as a thank you to my readers new and old, I thought I would make a list of my favourite and most well-written articles (in my opinion) for my future readers, to make navigating through my work that bit easier. Writing is what I enjoy doing the most with my time (besides playing COD Modern Warfare 2). Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback on my articles and helped me develop and improve my writing style!

The following list is in chronological order, which may also be a reflection of which ones are the best reads.

I really enjoyed the writing process for my 43rd article. It was sat in my drafts unfinished for two weeks before I got a burst of motivation and finished it off, editing and refining the wording as I went. Written in two writing sessions, this article came naturally when I was working on it. This has to be the most beautifully written piece I have ever done and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It discusses the reemerging popularity of the sea shanty and folk music genre and how its success was attributed to a maturing process that was underway a few years prior to it bursting into the public's consciousness thanks to TikTok.

This article was my first real foray into writing about spirituality. Beforehand I was dipping my toe into the topic with extensive research into the Hare Krishna movement, aided by lectures by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Further on, I discuss the process we have become accustomed to of distancing ourselves from our cultural values as we 'mature', instead of doubling down on them. The denial of Santa Claus is an excellent example of this. I believe we are seeing the budding of a great spiritual awakening.

My second book review, but my first and most serious dissection of a book's character development and plot, France, Islam & Submission discusses the novel Submission by Michel Houellebecq. This was a great read in retrospect. Although at times it was a bit corny and stale, Houellebecq would often try to 'redpill' the reader with long diatribes that aren't conducive to the development of the plot, it is still enjoyable if you are interested in dissident politics. The final chapter is a great cliffhanger that forces you to think about where the protagonist François will end up in life.

In the most impactful article in my life, this piece discusses my switch to a vegan diet and the underlying philosophy behind it. I tie it to the COVID-19 pandemic and argue for more ethical treatment of animals, animal agriculture workers and the environment. I quite like the article's feature art as it's both poetic and foreboding, but I hold the position that humans aren't a disease, but are capable of great genius and compassion. This article centres around a third of my integrated worldview: National Socialism, veganism and Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism); racialism, environmentalism and spirituality.

Being a university assignment, the language was as dressed up as I could make it for its time, while still retaining the same base message. In a way, it was a retort to a biased question posed by my uni teacher. Nonetheless, it still remains one of a handful of really well-written essays that I really cared about perfecting when writing in university. The title covers the article's content fairly well.

I had the most fun with the style and tone when writing this article. To date, it is my most read article because it was shared by Mike Ma himself on his Instagram (if I recall correctly), which really made my week. I probably wouldn't write something as loose and playful these days, but at the time I was laughing so hard at the book that I needed to write a review of it that was as silly and fun.

One of my first attempts at discussing existential philosophy, 'Are We Immortal?' plays with the idea that we live eternally through our progeny, so long as the genes aren't mixed with other races. 'Face recycling' is the daring proposition I have explored, as it posits that your physiognomy has the potential to recycle itself and reappear. Whether or not the people in the article's pictures inherited the souls of the painting's subjects or if they are related to them in any way remains to be seen, but given enough time I would say there is a possibility for such a phenomenon to transpire.

An Australianised version of the 'cultured thug' ideal, I discuss why it is important for white men to be both brains and brawn, especially in these trying times. If a society's warriors are stupid, their potential for success in battle will be limited. If their intellectuals are cowards, the ruling philosophy and ideology will lack any positive vigour and virility. Therefore, we must strive towards the bushranger poet idea!

Having been a student at university, I found the video this article centres around to be quite relevant to my situation, as it is not uncommon for students to be disenchanted with how higher education institutions are run. I elaborate on how and where higher education should be improved upon.

By far the shortest article on this website, this was written a couple of days before my 21st birthday. These maxims for life are an honest account of the principles behind the beliefs I hold and, I believe, are rules that everyone should try their best to follow. I still stand by these maxims and encourage you to as well.




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